How to plan 10 days Leh Ladakh tour?

June to September is considered the best time for Leh Ladakh Tour. By the second week of May the road opens and traffic from Srinagar to Leh is started. So let’s see, How to plan 10 days Leh Ladakh tour.

How to plan 10 days Leh Ladakh tour?

Tourists has to take utmost care to plan 10 days Leh Ladakh Tour. Ladakh has three seasons but June to September is considered the best time to visit Leh Ladakh. By the second week of May, Srinagar Leh road is opened by the tireless efforts of BRO (Border Road Organisation). After that, tourists rush started to visit Leh. There are two ways to reach Leh. First route is Srinagar-Kargil-Leh and second route is Manali-Surchu-Leh. Preferably tourists reaches Leh using the first route. One of the advantages of this route is that, it reduces the incidence of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS). As you reaches higher altidue gradually, your body acclimatized with less oxygen intake. Some tourists reaches Leh by air from Delhi or Mumbai. If you are reaching Leh by direct flight, you should preferably rest in Leh for 1-2 days for acclimatization.

Tourists should take utmost care while dealing with AMS. In the first 1-2 days, no fast movement, don’t use too much energy for activities. Let the body get acclimatize, otherwise it may cost your life. Also, this article (How to Plan 10 day Leh Ladakh tour?) shows you how to plannning to be done in a leisurely way, so that you and others don’t suffer. Click here for more information about Leh Ladakh.

Leh-Ladakh Tour Itinerary via Kargil

As mentioned above, there are two ways to reach Leh. First route is Srinagar-Kargil-Leh and second route is Manali-Surchu-Leh. If you decide to go the first route, we will make a plan for our 10 days Leh-Ladakh tour (How to plan 10 days Leh Ladakh tour?). First of all, you should travel from your home by train or plane to reach Srinagar. Enjouy Scenic beauty of Srinagar and take rest in the hotel for the night.

Day 1 – Srinagar to Kargil

If you leave Srinagar early in the morning, you will reach Kargil by 12 noon via the infamous Zojila pass. On reaching Kargil, leave your luggage at the hotel and go to the taxi stand. From the taxi stand, pre book a taxi for your Zanskar Valley tour. Come back to your hotel and have dinner, sleep early.

10 days Leh Ladakh Tour Planning
Zojila Pass

Day 2 and 3 – Kargil – Zanskar Valley – Kargil

Wake up early in the morning and start your journey to Zanskar Valley. Though Kargil to Rangdum is 130 km, it may take 5-6 hrs to reach as the road is bumpy. There are some homestays in Rangdoom, which  needs to be booked in advance for your stay at night.
If the sky is clear, you can visit Drungdung Glacier on the same day. If you want to reach Zanskar river or from where the Chaddar trek starts, then you have to travel for another 5-6 hours. If you only have two days for Zanskar Valley tour, then reach Rangdum, visit the Drungdung Glacier and return to Kargil. After reaching Kargil, take rest at night and leave for Leh the next day

10 days Leh Ladakh Tour Planning
Drang Drung Glasier

Zanskar river

Day 4 – Kargil-Leh

If you leave Kargil early in the morning, you can reach Leh in the afternoon by visiting the Kargil War Memorial, Magnetic Hill, Gurudwara which are on the way. After reaching Leh checkin your pre booked hotel and take rest.

10 days Leh Ladakh Tour Planning
10 days Leh Ladakh Tour Planning
Magnetic Hill

Day 5 – Attractions in Leh

Next day, visit the attractions nearby Leh city eg. Leh Palace, Shanti Stupa, Leh Market, School in Leh. You may hire local taxi or two wheeler. You can have delicious food at Leh city. Reach your hotel & take rest .

10 days Leh Ladakh Tour Planning
Shanti Stupa

Leh Ladakh tour

Day 6 – Leh – Pangong – Leh

Early Morning depart from Leh to reach Pangong Tso. Leh to Pangong is 230 km and it may take 6-7 hours to reach there. Enjoy the beauty of nature while travelling by road. If possible, book a hotel or tent neaby Panong Tso in advance. At night, enjoy the beauty of nature watching from the tent.


Day 7 – Pangong Tso to Leh

In the morning, take as many as photos around the Pangong Lake and start your return journy to reach Leh comfortably and relax at your hotel.

Day 8 and 9 – Leh – Nubra Valley – Leh

Leave your hotel early in the morning and head towards Nubra Valley. You should see the monastery, sand dunes, double hump camels, do camel safari and stay there. Next day again proceed to Leh and relax.

10 days Leh Ladakh Tour Planning

Day 10 – Leh – Srinagar

Today is the last day of your tour. If you want to buy something as a memory of this tour, visit Leh market. Reach the Leh airport, if you have flight from Leh, else reach Srinagar by taxi.

I hope, this article (How to plan 10 days Leh Ladakh tour?) helps you for your Leh-Ladakh trip.

10 days Leh Ladakh Tour Planning
Leh Airport

Leh Taxi Rates 2022-2023

If you want to go around Leh, you can take a taxi from Leh city. According to your plan, (How to plan 10 days Leh Ladakh tour?) you will get a pre booked taxi at Main Taxi Stand. Every year Leh Taxi Union decides taxi fares. Here is the Leh taxi rates for 2022-2023 to estimate the cost of traveling in Ladakh.

10 days Leh Ladakh Tour
Leh Taxi Union rates 2022-2023

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